Studios - presentation and reality

What Hines likes to show

Hines like to present this image when talking about their typical studios:

from Hines Clonliffe Development Clarifications 100821

But this type of studio is the exception. It has windows in mutliple directions allowing in light from 2 or more directions and it has a generous balcony (by comparison to the balconies on most studios).

The size of this studio is 38.3m2 (without balcony)

What the reality is 49% of the time

According to Hines own statements - 49% of the development does not have light from more than one direction. The majority of studios look like this:

typical studio - single aspect light
typical studio - single aspect light

The size shown here is 39m2

Without even a balcony

Further - in the "A" blocks 177 studios have no balconies:

standard studio - no balcony
standard studio - no balcony
just above BTR(?) standards
just above BTR(?) standards

Worryingly it is flats in the "A" blocks which are to be sold to Dublin City Council for social housing.